
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I'm Bi-Leagual!/Beltran to Anaheim? 

I'm not sure how that sounds (either like I'm a little kinky or very articulate--neither of which is true), but as of today, I will now be reporting on a team in each league. The Cincinnati Reds post opened up and if you're a baseball fan, and an opportunity comes up to yak incessantly about your home team, you take it. So I did. But Hark! Angels' fans need not worry. I'll still be singing over here in the AL as well (I wouldn't give up talking incessantly about one of my favorite left coast teams either). It's a big plate, and I'll be in a "feeling out" period, but be sure to swing over and catch the Reds coverage as well on that page. I'm pumped and ready to go, giving you the scoop from both leagues. My only decision left is whether or not to use the Designated Typist.

Unfinished Business

I noticed last week that I didn't include the winner of Week 10's Silver Fantasy Halo in my column. Well, to review quickly, the decision was easy. The winner was Kelvim Escobar, who posted a 1.20 ERA, 0.73 WHIP, and 14 K in 15 IP. Sure he didn't get any wins, but that's not his fault. A stellar week for the Angels best starter this season. Week 11 has past now as well and the new halo goes to Garret Anderson. His line isn't overly impressive: 9-26 (.346), 1 HR, 3 RBI, 3 R--but it was the best the Angels had in a week where they only plated 16 runs. Halo tally? Figgins, Guerrero, Anderson, all with 2. Colon, Erstad, Guillen, Sele, and Escobar all have 1.

Tailor Made Deal? No Thanks

Everyone who remotely follows fantasy baseball has probably heard that Carlos Beltran will soon be swinging his bat in another city. Depending on where he ends up, Beltran fans are poised to react with celebration (Chicago) or lament (San Diego). What's interesting is that neither, nay, anyone in the whole league has a deal that could land Beltran as fast as Anaheim. KC GM Allan Baird has proclaimed he wants a young catcher and third baseman in exchange for Beltran. In an incredibly deep farm system, the Angels are sending players from just those two positions to the Minor League Futures (i.e. All-Star) Game this season--Dallas McPherson and Jeff Mathis. Both are outstanding prospects and would be very enticing for Baird. Will it happen? Angels GM Bill Stoneman says no.

And thank goodness. McPherson and Mathis both look to be sure-fire major leaguers when they've put in their time honing their games at Arkansas and Salt Lake. The Angels need a 3B and McPherson should be ready to scratch that itch by 2006 (and hopefully no sooner, please don't rush him up). Stoneman is completely happy with Guillen, Anderson, and Guerrero. Why wouldn't he be? Fine, you say. I still want Beltran. DH Anderson. He's not a true CF anyway. Then where to Salmon and DaVanon go? Bottom line--the Halos don't need (and that sounds weird to say) Beltran. And Stoneman knows it thankfully, because it would be easy to get caught up in the hype. So any Beltran rumors could be put to rest when it comes to Anaheim. We like our OF just fine, thank you.

Is it Spring Training Again?

I looked at the calendar and it said June, but I heard something this weekend that I usually only hear between mid-February and the start of the season. Troy Percival was quoted as saying, in relation to his strained forearm, that "he's healthy and he feels the best he has in years." I'm not sure Troy knew it was June. That's good news for Percival owners, though, as he's scheduled for a BP session today, according to the LA Times, and other on Thursday. He wants to skip the rehab assignment and do a couple of simulated games instead, which means he could be ready as early as late weekend. K-Rod owners, hold your breath, because Frankie's stay at closer is almost over. The job is TP's unless he comes back and proves he's NOT just as "healthy as ever."

Mending Wings: Outpatients?

Speaking of simulated games, Aaron Sele threw one and the Angels reported that he gave up 2 hits over about 30 pitches of work. I've hear often about simulated games (way too often, in fact), but I've yet to hear a performance report attached in quantifiable terms. Usually it's either "he did fine" or "his arm did, in fact, fall completely off". No numbers or anything. Regardless, that's about 2 IP, I would say. So Sele has a simulated game WHIP of 1.00--however that makes you feel about owning him. Doesn't do much for me. He's slated to start Saturday. Also, Jarrod Washburn's problem is still being classified as minor, so as of now he's penciled in for Friday. Ramon Ortiz will get one more start on Thursday, then I suppose it's back to the bullpen for now.

Odds and Ends

Hope you got a chance to read the Griffey article here at ITH. Also, don’t forget to check out Halo Daily (halodaily.blogspot.com) as well for daily fantasy updates on the Halos. . .Great start last night against the Elephant Men. Of course, now that Angels face Hudson tonight and Mulder on Thursday. Watch Colon tonight and see if he can possibly keep it in the park. That'd be a great start for him. Currently, his HR/9 is 2.3 (I just shuddered in my seat). . .Any questions you have, e-mail insidethehalo@insightbb.com. Also, click the e-mail notification button at the top right of this page to be notified when it updates. . .For the Angels, Matt Allen--ESPN.